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Goals of the Program 目標

❏ CCLS is a non-profit community Chinese school organization


❏ Pay attention to humanities education, taking into account of morality, intelligence and art


Hired professional Chinese tlanguage teachers, sending students into classes  according to their levels, and provide systematic teaching

❏ Speciality Zhuyin classes/Hanyu Pinyin classes are set up to help students from different backgrounds, and to help students adapt early to Chinese education in high schools and universities.

   為幫助不同背景之學生特設注音班 / 漢語拼音班,並協助學生提早適應高中、大學之中文教育
 Integrate and prepare for high school and university Chinese language education

❏ SAT II Chinese classes and credit classes help students achieve high scores and obtain high school credits

   SAT II 中文班、學分班,幫助學生取得高分,並取得高中學分

上課日期 School Days

* 每週六 Saturdays

上課時間 School hours

* 08:30 -11:30 中文課 Chinese Language Class

* 11:40 -12:30 才藝課 Elective Class (optional 學費另計) 於8月份公佈

  Electives are optional with extra fees. Details will be available in 08/2024.

上課地點 Location

* Walnut High School  (400 Pierre Rd, Walnut, CA 91789)

招生年齡 Student age

* 年滿五歲以上學生 5 years old and up

才藝課程 Electives (*將於8/2024開放報名)

棋弈、縫紉手工、美術、樂高司派克、書法國畫、籃球、AP 中文


​*Enrollment of Elective Classes will start in 8/2024

Chess, Sewing & Handcrafts, Drawing, Lego Spike, Chinese Calligraphy & Painting, Basketball, AP Chinese Language

(All Elective Classes are on campus, not online)

一個班級必須有至少 10 名學生報名才能開課。學費與材料費另計。

Classes must have a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 20-25 students. Tuition & material fees are extra.

2024-25 中文週六班招生簡章 Flyer.jpg
2024-25 英文週六班招生簡章 Flyer.jpg
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